Saturday, February 11, 2012


Hook: Tiemco 2312 #12
Thread: Orange or burnt orange 6/0
Wing: A bunch of beige poly yarn
Body: Darkish orange brown seal dubbing or substitute twisted as a rope. It forms nice segmented body. You can make a mix about couple of suitable colors if needed. End the body 1mm before the point where the wing is fastened. 
Tying wing 1. Take a half of the wing material and bend it back and tie it in. Adjust a little the fastening point to get smoother look.
Tying the hackle: Wind the thread in front of the foremost wing bunch an tie in a light brown rooster hackle  with Klinkhamer style. Leave it standing there.
Thorax: Travel the thread back between the wing material bunches. Dub thinly body material on the thread and cover the root area of the rear wing. Then move the thread with dubbing just behind the hook eye and start to form the thorax backwards with even turns. Cover also the place between the wings. Leave the thread to hang just behind the fore wing.
Hackle: Make a parachute hackle with 3-4 turns of  hackle. Fasten it with following turns of thread. Live the thread to hang there. Adjust the hackle fibres evenly. 
Wing 2: After trimming the hackle bend the foremost wing over the hackle to point backwards. Tie it in carefully over the root of the wing material so that it leaves hackle fibres pointing evenly out. Adjust that point again with your finger nail to make it smoother. Secure it with tiny tiny drop of super glue. Then travel the thread behind the hook eye and finih your fly.

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